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22년 2학기 학교공부

OOP with C++ (2) - C++ program memory model



    LHS and RHS

    - LHS : left-hand-side expression

    - RHS : right-hand-side expression


    x = 10

    LHS : x

    RHS : 10


    Basics in C++ memeory model

    * Each variable has an address

    - &x (only in RHS) : return the address of the variable x

    - x (in RHS) : return the value assigned to the address of the variable

    - x (in LHS) : store the RHS value to the address of the variable


    Pointers : a value points to an address

    - *x (in RHS) : return the value assigned to the address pointed by the value of the variable x

    - *x (in LHS) : store the RHS value to the address pointed by the value of the variable x


    Basics of Const keyword : Freeze a memory location to make the location immutable

    int main() {
        const int x = 16;
        int y = 99;
        x = 20; // Not allowed since the location pointed by the address of x is immutable
        y = 31; // OK
        return 1;

    -> 이 코드를 컴파일 하려고 하면 컴파일에러가 남. (실행에러는 아님)


    Const with pointers : mutable pointers cannot point to immutable locations

    int main() {
        const int x = 16;
        int* y = &x; // Not allowed since x is const
        *y = 10;
        return 1;

    -> 3번째 줄에서 컴파일에러

    int* 형 변수에 const int를 넣을 수 없음. 그렇게 되면 4번째 줄 같은 값변경이 가능해지니까


    int main() {
        const int x = 16;
        const int* y = &x;
        *y = 10; // Not allowed since *y is immutable
        return 1;

    -> 4번째 줄에서 컴파일에러

    const형 변수의 주소는 const형 포인터에만 넣을 수 있음.

    y는 const 포인터니까 y가 가리키는 주소의 값 변경 불가


    int main() {
        int x = 16;
        const int* y = &x;
        x = 20;
        *y = 10; // Not allowed since *y is immutable
        return 1;

    -> 5번째 줄에서 컴파일 에러

    x 값을 바꾸는건 가능하지만, y로 접근하는건 불가능

    *이런게 시험문제 나온대*


    int main() {
        int x = 16;
        int z = 30;
        int* const y = &x;
        y = &z; // Not allowed since y is immutable
        return 1;


    int main() {
        int x = 16;
        int* const y = &x;
        x = 20;
        *y = 10; // OK since y is immutable but *y is mutable
        return 1;


    Const with class

    Member function can be declared with multiple const keywords

    - const at return type: the return value is immutable

    - const at parameter type: the argument value is immutable

    - const at the end of the function signature: an object pointed by this is immutable

    class Car {
        public :
            Car(std::string name) : name_(name) {}
            const std::string* name() { return name_; }
            void set_name(const std::string name) { name = name + "hi"; }
            void DoSomething() const { name_ = name_ + "hi"; }
        private :
            std::string name_;
            Door doors_[4];
    int main() {
        Car car1("mycar");
        std::string* car_name = car1.name();
        return 1;


    Shallow copy vs Deep copy

    - Shallow copy copies an address of data

    - Deep copy copies data completely

