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22년 2학기 학교공부

1011 컴구




    Supporting procedures

    Before performing the desired task

    - Caller puts parameters in some appropriate place

    - Caller executes jal instruction

    - Callee acquires the storage resources in stack to save some "saved registers" and to allocated some local variables

    - Callee uses the parameters

    After performing the desired task

    - Callee restores some "saved registers" and releases the acquired storage resources

    - Callee puts result value in some appropriate place

    - Callee executes jalr instruction

    - Caller takes the result value

    Memory layout


    32-bit Constants : Wide Immediate Operands

    Most constants are small

    - 12-bit immediate is sufficient with I-format

    For the occasional 32-bit constant

    - Load 20-bit upper immediate first

    - Add 12-bit lower immediate later

    Example : 0x003D0500



    Supports 20-bit immediate

    Instruction fields

    - opcode : operation code

    - rd : destination register number

    - immediate : bits 12 through 31


    lui x19, 0x003D0 (Load upper immediate)

    - Loads 20-bit constant to bits [31:12] of register rd

    - Extends bit 31 to bits[63:32]

    - Clears bits [11:0] of rd to 0


    Long Jumps to 32-bit Absolute Address

    PC-relative addressing is sufficient for most branches

    - Destination of branches is likely to be close to the branch

    Procedure calls may require jumping > 2^18 words away

    => 18이 괜히 18이 아님

    - No guarantee that the callee is close to the caller

    - Needs very long jumps to any 32-bit address

    Two-instruction sequence, lui and jalr

    - lui instruction writes bits 12 through 31 of branch address to a temporary register

    - jalr instruction adds the lower 12 bits of the address to the temporary register and jumps to the sum

    - Example 32-bit address: 0x003D0500

    lui x19, 0x003D0
    jalr x0, 0x500(x19)



    Addressing in Branches

    Most branch targets are near branch

    - Forward or backward => PC-relative addressing

    - Target address = PC + immediate[12:1]  * 2

    Conditional branch

    - Opcode, two registers, 12-bit immediate[12:1] (SB-format)

    - Represent addresses from -4096 to 4094 (even address only)

    - Branch within +-2^10 words (+-4 KiB)

    bne x10, x11, 2000

    Unconditional branch

    - Opcode, one register, 20-bit immediate[20:1] (UJ-format)

    - Branch within +-2^18 words (+-1 MiB)

    jal x0, 2000



    Branching Far Away

    If branch target is too far to encode, assembler rewrites the code


        beq x10, x0, L1
        bne x10, x0, L2
        jal x0, L1
    L2 : ...

